SMALL FEETS DANCE COMPANY is a dance company for children ages 6 and up. Performance is the artistic ‘product’ of dance study. It is valuable for dance students to participate in performances because the mastery and feelings of achievement for successful performances enhance self-esteem and make children more a part of the dance world. It’s lots of work and lots of fun! Our goal is to present finished, artistically rigorous, age appropriate works that are collaborations between choreographer, musician, dancers, and parents. There will be two performance groups this year.

extrasmallfeets dancers will meet on Tuesdays as the end of the K/1/2 class. Dancers are only committed by the session. They will prepare short pieces for our last day showings and may participate in the Final Concert.
There is also the SMALL FEETS dance company, ages 6-11, an extensive dance experience that lasts all year. The group will dance in the Brookline First Light Festival, the Children’s Dance Festival, in our annual Year End Concert in June and other possible venues. The SMALL FEETS attend concerts together, and parent participation is required. Class/rehearsal will be on Tuesday afternoons. This group is open to children by audition. The Winter/Spring group begins on January 15, 2019. There is a separate SF registration procedure, please call to arrange participation.
Thank you for a wonderful year of dancing. The girls have loved learning from you, dancing to beautiful music
and making friends in the process.
Extra Small Feet Dancers and Families
We are still talking about you and your Small Feets! The residents absolutely LOVED having your dancers here and I am already daydreaming about having them come perform as the magical little fairies that they are around the holidays.
Goddard House, Brookline, MA
What did you think about this year’s pieces and your
“It was interesting.”
“I liked going to new places and doing things with all of
our kids.”
“I liked doing the swim piece. I liked the one where the
person leaned back in the water and we carried them.”
“I liked being in the parade! and things we did.”
“It felt nice.”
“My favorite was the pool piece.”
“I feel like when I perform it went by real fast, and now it seems a long time ago.”
From a parent: “Who knew that in a year my child would dance in a pool, a stage and parade!”
How did you feel about your performance?
“It was exciting and scary at the same time.”
“Very fun. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks.”
“It was fun and hot.”
“It was exciting. At the end it was fun to see the dancers
from the year before.”
“Excited because people give you presents for doing a good
“At the end I was exhausted because it was a lot of work and
a little relieved to get out of that hot room.”
“Proud of myself because people said I did a good job.”